While she was there, I often had her go to Tesco and other European grocery stores to take pictures of the ingredient lists for me and send me boxes of products. Eating meals is also considered a full time activity, and is not something you do while scrolling through Facebook or finishing a last-minute homework assignment. Why are the Quaker Oats ingredients you list fit the US strawberries & cream instant oats so different to the Quaker website? "It's about appreciating our ingredients and their source." So sad! Even Eugne Delacroixs famous Marianne leading a revolution is both the nations calling card and a paragon of the true French woman: accessorized, political, passionate and topless. Demetrius you are so right. Meal Plans, Grocery Lists and More, Food in America compared to the U.K. (Why is it so different?). This is great. Following our 2015 petition to get BHT out of American cereal(11) Kelloggs removed BHT from several brands (like Rice Krispies), but still use it 4 years later in Frosted Flakes despite selling it BHT-free in the U.K. Ill tell you why. Overall, there were many similarities between the American and French Revolutions. Then theresen-cas, which is a mid-morning snack, following by the largest meal of the day, djeuner (lunch). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Are your favorite foods safe from harmful additives? The French don't eliminate any food groups altogether and instead live by the everything in moderation rule. They both had the ultimate idea of having a republican government in which the natural rights of man, equality, and justice were strongly . Cortes played a large role in the conquering of the Americas, and both Traditions and Encounters and The Broken Spears document his actions. Americans might love french fries and other imports, but when it comes down to cooking culture overall,Dominique Crenn believes the two countries differ markedly (via Foodsided). Meanwhile, they continue to sell BVO-free Mountain Dew in other countries. The primary problem the explorers faced was with the current inhabitants of the lands they wanted to conquer, especially with the cultural differences between populations. That ship, skippered by Christopher Columbus, raised arguably one of the most influential turning points in Native American and European history. Look what happened to Kraft Mac & Cheese! On his trip when he arrived in Hispaniola the Taino people living on the island welcomed and were gentle with him and his men. a superior source of fresh clean water delivered right to my house. Some credit Thomas Jefferson with coining the term when he referred to potatoes served in the French manner in 1802 (apparently the term French fried was used at the time to refer to anything that was deep-fried). Many Americans, including myself, have struggled to set a regular schedule for mealtimes. What could be easier than getting healthier through good food and great company? It doesnt work like that. They key is moderation. We live in a matrix in America. And it gets worse. The portion who said there is nothing wrong with MSG, is a victim of food industry propaganda. But the French take these suggestions as requirements, and regardless of how delicious that fancy cheese is, they are only going to eat 1 oz of it, give or take. To figure out why, we took a look at some of the differences between French and American diets to see what we could learn. Because eating is such a social activity, time is needed to chill and dine, and we think its a pretty good idea. So why dont they pack on the pounds like most of us do? They have a half day of school on Saturday. Thanks for this ingredient list comparison. Come on, we all know homemade chicken soup is way better than the canned version, right? Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. I just returned from spending several years living in Australia. . Is there a place or website that anyone knows of where an American can buy the superior version of these goods? Thats becausemost see dining as a social activity, not just a race to shove everything into your mouth all at once. Kids may express themselves more in the US. The French have a knack for finding the joy in slow-prepared meals because they are not only more nutritious as opposed to their fast-food counter parts, but the food tastes exponentially better. In 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Mann uses the latest research, along with his own results from his travels, to provide eye-opening information on the Indians and what they were really like before the Europeans. I really am disappointed in the FDAs inability to have any control over corporate Americas inane ability to CARE about anything other than their bottom line. That includes feet, liver, stomach, tongue, pancreas, intestines, and yes, even testicles. A college buddy of mine decided to go live in London for a few years. With support from kings through financial aid and moral guidance, a new peak was reached upon the arrival of Columbus in the Caribbean islands off the mainland of the Americas. food babe preach it you are so strong and beautiful, keep being the best you can be. Your support is crucial because it helps fund this blog and helps us continue to spread the word. The more people that are against this type of messed up food industry in the US the better. . According to "Bringing Up Bebe," French parents generally keep a routine in which kids eat three meals a day, plus one snack in the afternoon. 5. The students go for a while then have specific holidays off. The American Revolution started in the year of 1775, and was set out to break away from Britain. Its time to start adopting some of their positive habits fora healthier, more positive perception of food. 6. It is a shame that I was forced back into a country where I literally feel sick because of the food that is on offer. Only 16% of Japanese people eat out once a week or more. Helen Buxton/ Shutterstock All Rights Reserved, 9 Lansdowne Street, Suite 2Boston, MA 02215, Photo courtesy of @lemondeaumenu on Instagram, French Women Dont Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure. Youre doing great!! For example, both France and the US prohibit selling cigarettes to minors. Thank you so much for your commitment and diligence! Dont think about anything other than how lucky you are to be around such amazing people and equally as amazing food. Try it for yourself and see if the ways of the French could benefit you. In the United States, beer is the most common alcoholic beverage of choice, and it is rarely consumed as part of a sit-down meal. The amount of emphasis on freshness in French cuisine cannot be undermined. American/US version: Corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, dextrose, citric acid, starch, artificial and natural flavors, fractionated coconut oil, carnauba wax, beeswax coating, artificial colors: yellow 5, red 40, blue 1. These dyes have been found to be contaminated with carcinogens, such as benzidine(2) In the U.K., these dyes require a warning label that says May Have an Adverse Effect on Activity and Attention in Children (7). Christopher Columbus encountered, in the Caribbean islands, a group of extremely simplistic Native Americans. French fries, on the other hand, are chunks of fried potato. While many Americans spend copious amounts of time and money looking for next low-fat diet trend, the French are laughing on the other side of the Atlantic while they enjoy a healthy portion of rib-eye steak. By contrast, The Week reports that only 14 percent of French adults are obese. Lots of ramblers, walkers, kids in usa are bored too! It would be quite easy to construct a paper simply contrasting the historical stories that are told within these three films. Compared to the antics of the French Revolution, the infamous Tea Party in Boston was like the sisters at the convent sneaking into the dorm of the rival convent and shorting their sheets. As I understand it, part of the reason that Heinz did so well was that it was in tune with the pure food movement of the last quarter of the 19th century and he helped pass the Pure Food and Drug Act 1906. Check the healthy or organic section of the store. By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier. But I still DO EAT a lot of junk. But just how French are they, anyway? According to a study by SFgate,only 10% of American children get an adequate intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, while in France, over 40% of children do. I pray Jesus comes back soon! France is considered by many to be the birthplace of gourmet cuisine, which Julia Child introduced to millions of Americans in the 1960s with her seminal cookbooks and spirited TV show. Thank you for fighting this fight. Sad, in their late 40s Chantal, 27, says the biggest difference between the diets in the US and the UK, to her, is the drinking culture. Thanks for the info Tony! Diet, MailOnline: U.S. Second, is that both revolutions momentum . The origins of these two languages are not the same. However, Cortes did not trust in his people because of them befriending a native group that were enemies to the Aztecs. it very unfair. Cant travel! It is not that they are getting safer food, but the laws allow thwe UK citizens to not be informed. He was a Christian who thought it immoral to poison people in order to make more money. But they still have not removed BVO from Mountain Dew, nearly 5 years later. "These are the values of our culture, and it speaks through our food." . She was always eating proper food before moving there. A trip to the market in France might include fresh vegetables like mushrooms, leeks, eggplant, and a variety of cheeses like Brie and Roquefort. That email doesn't look right. When you compare French and American school lunches, it is quite apparent why childhood obesity rates are growing in the US. That degree of disclosure actually seems like a good thing. Are the French losing their je ne sais quoi? In terms of violent behavior, the American Revolution can't hold a candle to the French Revolution. Think of this next time youre dipping your fries in and cant stop! encore "again". The U.S. version of Mountain Dew contains brominated vegetable oil (BVO) which is an ingredient BANNED in Europe (3). Very GOOD article!!!! I began buying a good amount of my foods at Natural Grocers/ Vitamin Cottage many years ago. Deliberation vs. Many in the US I also noticed instead of making an actual, true home cooked meal- its always something in a package or box. The Difference Between French And American Food, According To Dominique Crenn. The French folk hero and Catholic saint Joan of Arc has been iconic on both sides of the Atlantic for centuries. The similarities of the American Revolution and the French revolution can be seen by examining the root causes, the rebels, and the lasting impact of both revolutions. is actually a lighter meal of bread and some kind of spread like butter, honey, or jam. While the the French and Haitian Revolutions, inspired by the American Revolution, were alike in many areas such as social class struggles, economic inequities, and personal freedoms. Even today, labeling requirements in the EU are not as strict as they are here. The advantage that the. Sword agrees, noting that French meals feature all types of food in small portions. While Heinz makes a Simply Heinz version of ketchup in the U.S. (still with natural flavors but a cleaner ingredient list), why dont they just make this their regular ketchup? The main ideas of chapter one was the conquest and exploration of the early Americas by the spaniards. Nice job Vani! You do know that labeling in the EU was basically voluntary until 2016 so depending on when your college buddy was there could have a huge impact on what the differences are. Im glad I gave up processed foods, its so much easier. Soo sorry for the sheep-way of living in the US!!!! Its eye opening. Instead of moving to another country, you should probably just look for change in the food systems here. This means things like olive oil, fish, beans, and eggs are a must-have on the daily. I find it shocking that this is actually happening because before I read this article, I had no idea overseas, the food was healthier and better. THANK YOU! Still skeptical? Smoking There are several similarities between the two countries regarding smoking laws. This is due to the fact that they don't smile at every stranger they pass by. This is similar to the Hispanic food culture because these foods are usually also predominantly carbohydrates. Thanks for the info, I always wondered why the same food in the UK tasted worse! It is the main reason that asians are able to ingest so much sodium without the added heart disease or hypertension. Hilary Duff Jokes Her Daughter Banks is Not a Dummy When it Comes to Eating, Baking Without Eggs Is Possible With These 8 Substitutes, Heres the Meaning Behind the Passover Seder Plate a Quick Guide, 5 hot toddies that will cure anything old man winter throws at you, Tabitha Brown Just Shared Her Favorite Plant-based Substitute for Seafood & Its Surprisingly Simple, The Pioneer Womans One-pot Homemade SpaghettiOs Are Delicious Enough for Adults To Love, Too, Martha Stewarts Super Simple Eggplant Parm Skips the Messy Frying, but Keeps the Flavor, How to Watch the New Season of Ina Gartens Show, Be My Guest for Free, Martha Stewarts One-pot Chicken & Mushrooms With Bacon Cream Sauce Is a Surprisingly Simple Weeknight Meal. here you can get two 44oz of heinz ketchup at sams club for $5.68 and for poptarts $5.98 to $6.98 with 36+ in a box. Mealtime is a social event enjoyed in the company of friends and family. Expect the last repas of the day to be served closer to 8:00 pm (until 9:30 pm in Paris). "The French have a different approach to food," Crenn said. The French and American revolutions were two revolutions that had the mind to change the government and to set up a democracy so that everyone could have equal rights. Thank you. Food does not come in packages or bottles, it grows in your garden and is not doused in round up or glyphosate, what are the real killers and the real issue with all the strange illnesses we have, that did not exist 50 years ago. Most of the colonist wanted to break away from . MSG is classed as an excitotoxin. You cant really blame us Americans, its the big corporate food manufacturers that change the ingredients according to the country. French 101. After flying to Europe I can fully attest to this. The U.S. government allows food companies to largely police itself, deciding which ingredients, chemicals, and additives are safe to use in their products (12). When the Europeans arrived at this new-found land, they discovered what they considered to be an entirely new species of humans, the Native Americans. Another major difference between how Christmas tends to be observed in France vs. traditions in North America lies in the timing of the main celebrations. We learn that they were more culturally advanced and had more of an influence on our world that what is thought. Please upgrade your browser. Each encounter was by a different explorer and were 27 years apart as well as many miles apart. Letters written by Columbus and Cortes will be used to make these comparisons. The Average Calorie Intake by a Human Per Day Versus the Recommendation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adult Obesity Facts, The Week: Why the French Are (Finally) Getting Fat, Frontiers in Psychology: Broad Themes of Difference Between French and Americans in Attitudes to Food and Other Life Domains: Personal Versus Communal Values, Quantity Versus Quality, and Comforts Versus Joys. I will only buy fresh food. The world gets better if we attack the corruptions closest at hand. Capitalists make money by making and selling stuff, not by _not_ making and selling stuff. UK version: Glucose syrup, sugar, gelatine, dextrose, fruit juice concentrates (pineapple, apple, raspberry, strawberry, orange, lemon), citric acid, fruit and plant concentrates (nettle, apple, spinach, kiwi, elderberry, blackcurrant, aronia, grape, orange, lemon, mango, passion fruit), flavourings, glazing agents (vegetable oil, beeswax, carnauba wax), fruit extract (carob), invert sugar syrup. For many years, schools have taught us that the Indians were small, uncivilized groups that had little effect on the world before Columbus. per day than the French, but it's done in a different way. It would really be great if you one time did a petition abut the McDonalds fries in the US and/or the Mountain Dew. They all dont have the extra crap companies are putting into foods that are sent to America. Each encounter was by a different explorer and were twenty-seven years apart, as well as many miles apart. The Spanish burned the Natives sacred objects and would not allow them to practice their own religions. Meals there are free of distractions like TV, driving, or working on your laptop. However, they consume alcohol with meals, and they favor taste over amount, with glasses being only partly filled. Americans, according to a 2011 study published in "Frontiers in Psychology," value food quantity over quality, and they tend to eat larger portions at each meal than the French, leading to excess calories and weight gain. French and American culture might have much in common, but some notable similarities define each country, with one being food. Dessert, which they do consume most nights, is actually a light serving of fruit. Christopher Columbus and Cabeza de Vaca were both well experienced explorers of the New World. But whether or not you know the provenance of a roux or whats in bearnaise sauce, there are plenty of French foods that have snuck into the American repertoire. Changes are only going to happen here when more people start removing these foods/products from their diet, try to look for better/home made alternatives to those common, unhealthy products, in addition to not supporting these companies/brands, and of course there needs to be significant amount of those in the US to want this change. Photo courtesy of sapphicscience on Tumblr. I miss all the petitions that you used to do that inspired big changes. In Conclusion: My Rule American schools serve lunches that consist of highly processed foods, loaded with sodium, calories, saturated fat, preservatives, etc. She worked under then-popular chefs including Jeremiah Tower and opened her luxe French dining experience Atelier Crenn in 2011, eventually earning three Michelin stars(via Michelin). European nations began heading west towards the New World in search of new trade routes to the East Indies. My point exactly. Ifa company can get away with using cheaper ingredients, they will. Mireille Guiliano, author of "French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure," says that a key aspect of the French diet is enjoying everything -- including high-fat foods and sweets -- in moderation. Due to unexpected discoveries and evidence that say otherwise, many scholars now question and argue about their time in the Americas before Columbus. Did you know Quaker Oats Strawberries & Cream has ZERO strawberries? Both have unique traditions, customs, and art that reflect the unique history, values, and beliefs of each country. UK doritos have MSG a potent neurotoxin . At-a-girl Vani, Mealtime is a social event enjoyed in the company of friends and family. Eugne Delacroixs Marianne represents the "true French woman: accessorized, political, passionate and topless," writes Debra Ollivier. This laid-back way of eating couldn't sound more delightful and gets anyone ready to cook up a pot of beef bourguignon, invite over some friends, and disconnect the wifi. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: U.S. and France Adult Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Patterns - An International Comparison, Marketplace: Processed Foods Make Up 70 Percent of the U.S. They get their exercise outside with. Snacks They start with a vegetable, such as a leafy lettuce salad, a cucumber tomato salad or beets. As a new and mysterious world awaits to be discovered, daring conquistadors leave their home country of Spain in a journey of exploration. The French diet, however, is focused primarily on unprocessed foods prepared at home. Thank you, my dear young lady. This is how so many French people grow up with a love for fresh fruits and vegetables, and not just pizza and ice cream 24/7. Cabeza de Vaca also wanted to find resources and goods but mainly wanted to explore the land and try to understand if it was possible to create a society alongside the natives. Oh well, so much for saving a buck or two. English is a West Germanic language, while French is a Romance language from the Indo-European . Start Cooking! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. All of the flavor comes from the natural ingredients themselves, whether it be sweet tomatoes in the summertime, tart pears in the winter, or a 20-year old wine at any time of night. I was wondering what is the difference in the prices for the US vs UK products you mentioned in your article. They pay way more for their food. If we read countless books about the French and flock to France, it's often in the hope of shedding that cultural baggage and living out the sensual attributes evoked in that proverbial Je ne sais quoi. But short of a revolution in this country (and whos got time for that?) The main difference is the addition of the preservative BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) in the U.S. version. In America we're told breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we often make it a heavy meal of meat, cheese, and potatoes. Given that the US is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world, it makes sense that we often look abroad for tips on how to eat better. Differences And Similarities Between The American And The French Revolution. In Australia, my soy milk was $1.19 AUD. As long as people, here or in Europe keep on making the choice for convenience instead of health, it will not change. So keep that in mind where you hear someone claiming that wonder of capitalism is that it excels in responding to the democratic clamor of consumers from below! Thew only thing that may look the same is the school lunches look pretty miserable here as well- but am pretty sure ingredient wise there is a big difference. They are more formal in nature, especially if they are meeting somebody for the first time. Flavorings can be a whole host of unnatural chemicals. Because of the conquistadors quest for gold and other riches. Questionnaire results from French and American adults suggest that, compared to the French, Americans emphasize quantity rather than quality in making choices, Americans have a higher preference for . They both traveled to the New World to find out what was out there and if what they would find, could help them and their country. According to The U.S. State Department, the two allies have supported each other ever since with "parallel policies on most political, economic, and security issues." To some Ive met apparently eating Chinese is going to a Chinese buffet or having a processed supposedly Chinese/Asian style frozen dinner (in a box by Nestle) or for Mexican night a box of frozen tacos or taquitos, etc. If those in the US choose to keep eating this way then there isnt going to be a change in the ingredients. No one wants to put that on their product! France and America share a long-lived and unique connection. It seems as if the recommended serving sizes listed on many foods are just that:recommended. No wonder people in England are much skinnier and healthier than Americans. The truth, however, is that the French diet and lifestyle does lend itself to a lower obesity rate than America. What French Women Know: About Love, Sex and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind. The Aztecs decided this was enough and take out Cortes and his men. Yours look made up. French and American culture might have much in common, but some notable similarities define each country, with one being food. Yes, we were at one time until greedy executives and politicians have made us a nation of sick, gullible sheep. The closest counterpart they have is a product called Oat So Simple that has REAL strawberries in itlight years ahead of the popular U.S. version made with artificial dyes and artificial flavors. They make their iconic french fries in the U.K. with a few simple ingredients: potatoes, oil, dextrose, saltbut in the U.S theyre made with natural beef flavor and sodium acid pyrophosphate, and are fried in oil laced with the anti-foaming agent dimethylpolysiloxane the main ingredient in silly putty (1). French people, on the other hand, make a priority out of cooking most of their meals at home using predominantly local ingredients. Another study revealed that Americans eat 31% more packaged food than fresh food. German/Europe version: Glucose syrup; sugar; gelatin; dextrose; fruit juice from concentrate: apple, strawberry, raspberry, orange, lemon, pineapple; citric acid; fruit and plant concentrates: nettle, apple, spinach, kiwi, orange, elderberry, lemon, mango, passionfruit, blackcurrant, aronia, grape; flavorings; glazing agents: white and yellow beeswax; carnauba wax; elderberry extract; fruit extract from carob; invert sugar syrup. On article that exemplifies the cultural differences between the Native Americans and the Spanish Explorers is the third-person biographical narrative called The Collision of Cultures. The narrative gives the reader insight on what the indians and the explorers pre-judgement of one another, based off of what the parties believed with their religion and moral. It sparked the fire of cultural diffusion in the New World which profoundly impacted the Native American peoples and the European settlers. Everyone should know how food companies are scamming Americans with inferior products. America: Americans are super friendly and outgoing. Any threat to this infrastructure (which includes affordable health care and up to six weeks of paid vacation for everyone, irrespective of rank) sends millions to the streets with the same fury as Marianne, because these social benefits that support quality of life (and a sexy one, at that) are considered basic human rights, not luxuries. The French set out time to eat up to six times a day, each meal time with a special name and purpose. See all of the UK type options ARE available in the US. The French eat a myriad of chocolate, bread, and even foie gras. The stories you care about, delivered daily. Its like saying because radiation is natural, you can add as much of it as you want to your food. Lunch in France is like the dinner in America its a pretty big deal. The largest Synagogue in the city (Rodf Shalom) was founded by them. "Mealtimes are not rushed, they are savored and seen as opportunities to connect with family and friends," Crenn continued. Compare And Contrast Spanish French And American Exploration. I really BELIEVE that the U.S. is in financial ties with the drug industry and allopathic medicine can they really be making soooo much more by adding all those chemicals? Instead it's all about. If you push past the cream puffery about French fashion, food and flair, you touch on an essential element here thats hard-wired into the French cultural DNA. Americans may consume more alcohol per day than the French, but it's done in a different way. They get their exercise outside with running, swimming, and walking more often than they drive.